À lire dans Photoniques : technologies quantiques et dispositifs
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- Published on 25 June 2018
Photoniques n°91, mai-juin 2018, est paru : retrouvez notre dossier sur les technologies quantiques.
Marketing for the photonics industry
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- Published on 16 May 2018
You create a start-up, diversify the business of your SME, expand your product range; every new activity, every new business, starts with a concept. You, your partners, your team, have an idea for a product. Your dream product will be better and cheaper or it might not even exist yet, but it will meet market requirements. You are going to make this concept a reality.
Buyer’s guide. Terahertz (THz) cameras
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- Published on 02 May 2018
Many academic research laboratories use terahertz cameras to characterise sources, align optical tables, study physical phenomena, etc. At the same time, more and more applied research teams, in R&D institutes and companies, use these cameras to investigate the applications of terahertz imaging in varied domains such as security, non-destructive testing, or environment and health issues. In response to these needs, mature uncooled terahertz cameras are now being commercialized.
Photonic devices and applications
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- Published on 25 April 2018
Articles published in Photoniques special EOS issue, march-april 2018.
Special EOS Issue 2018: Photonics in Europe
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- Published on 21 April 2018
Innovation, the heart of the reactor
Europe has a long-lasting tradition of technological competitiveness. As such, it lives from its knowledge and know-how. Innovation in photonics is one of the drivers of this competitiveness, producing knowledge and science, and transforming them into devices and applied systems.
But knowledge and know-how may not be enough: we must also make-knowing.
La Région Île-de-France : à la pointe de l’innovation photonique
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- Published on 10 January 2020
Si la France est reconnue comme à la pointe de l’optique mondiale, c’est qu’elle peut s’appuyer sur un réseau historique d’organismes de recherche d’excellence et une communauté d’entrepreneurs à travers tout son territoire. La photonique française aujourd’hui, ce sont 80 000 emplois qualifiés générant une activité estimée à 15 milliards d’euros sur un marché mondial qui attendrait les 525 milliards en 2020.
Cérémonie de la Journée Internationale de la Lumière
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- Published on 19 August 2019
Le 16 mai a eu lieu, sous l’égide du Comité National LUMIERE & SOCIETE au Palais de l’UNESCO à Paris, la célébration de la Journée Internationale de la Lumière. La cérémonie, déroulée sous le signe de la rencontre avec trois prix Nobel, a réuni des philosophes, artistes lyriques, comédiens, architectes, historiens d’art, éditeurs de livres, artistes de la lumière.
Nobel Laureates urge European Commission to include a European photonics partnership as a key priority in Horizon Europe
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- Published on 07 June 2019
Three leading European Nobel Laureates from France and Germany have warned that failure to include a dedicated programme for photonics in the EU’s next Horizon Europe 2021-27 programme will jeopardise the deep technology capability and capacity that will be essential for powering the future European digital economy.
EPIC advocates for Photonics European Partnership in Horizon Europe 2021-2027
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- Published on 02 May 2019
The European Parliament and European Council recently signed a partial political agreement on Horizon Europe. This agreement endorsed the European Commission proposal for three levels of European partnerships in the future Horizon Europe programme, including co-programmed partnerships based on the cPPP model as per Photonics21 in Horizon 2020.
Memorandum of Understanding between Ethernet Alliance and EPIC
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- Published on 19 April 2019
EPIC and Ethernet Alliance are mutually motivated in cooperative activities involving industry endorsement of standards and technology roadmaps. The partnership will encourage direct contact and cooperation between the consortiums and its members, including participation at events, writing joint articles, collaborate in information exchange and promotion, and advisory mandates with an aim of bringing cooperation and, ultimately, support the development of an efficient and sustainable industry.