Issue |
Number 122, 2023
Non-linear Optics
Page(s) | 52 - 57 | |
Section | Focus: Non-linear Optics | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 29 November 2023 |
Temporal Kerr cavity solitons in optical resonators
OPERA-photonics, Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
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Cavity Solitons are short optical pulses that propagate indefinitely in driven optical resonators. They are sustained by a double balance which prevents them from spreading or declining. This complex mechanism makes them “dissipative structures”, a general term coined by Ilya Prigogine to describe patterns emerging from noise in nonlinear systems. In the past decade, cavity solitons have attracted a lot of attention both for their fundamental interest and many potential applications. This article aims at introducing the reader to these fascinating objects.
© EDP Sciences, 2023
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