Nouveaux produits

UV ps laser

The UV ps laser RGH-355-45 provides high power (over 50 W at 355 nm), short picosecond pulse (~7 ps), high repetition rates (up to 8 MHz), and spatial scaling: the beam can be split numerous times to simultaneously feed multiple work stations. Applications include processing of thin films/multilayer low ablation threshold substrate materials; microelectronic FPCB or SLP (substrate-like-package) cutting and drilling, OLED cutting and drilling.

Coherent modulator and receiver

NeoPhotonics Corporation, a designer and manufacturer of optoelectronic solutions for the highest speed communications networks in telecom and datacenter applications, announced the addition of Class 50 versions of its Micro-Modulator (CDM) and Coherent Receiver to its suite of High Bandwidth Coherent components.

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Subpixel metrology of microLED and AR/VR display applications

At Display Week Exhibition in San Jose, CA / USA from May 14 - 16 Instrument Systems GmbH put spotlight on applications reflecting the major trend in the display industry: more pixels. µLEDs are a strong candidate for the realization of very high display resolutions with pixel sizes as small as 10 µm and equally small pixel pitches.

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Capteurs : i2S distributeur de SmartRay

i2S vient de signer un accord de partenariat avec la société SmartRay GmbH pour commercialiser en France ses solutions de capteurs 3D à base de triangulation laser.
i2S élargit son offre en vision 3D avec une gamme de produits spécialisée dans l’inspection, le guidage et la mesure 3D de précision.

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Multicore fiber components: Optoscribe / Sumitomo Electric cooperation

Optoscribe, a supplier of 3D glass-based integrated photonics components, and Sumitomo Electric Industries, an optical fiber cable and component manufacturing technology supplier, announce the formation of a cooperation to provide multicore fiber (MCF) components for datacom and telecom applications.

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Rechercher, classer et identifier les particules

Proposé par WITec, ParticleScout est un outil d'analyse de particules qui permet aux chercheurs de trouver, classer, quantifier et identifier des particules rapidement et facilement. Il fournit au chercheur un flux de travail très accéléré qui examine les échantillons de particules tout en exploitant les capacités de l’imagerie confocale Raman pour la caractérisation chimique rapide, sans modification chimique et de façon non destructive.

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Laser white light

The Albalux FM laser white light module provides bright and highly directional fiber optic output for precise and contrast-rich illumination in next-generation medical and machine vision applications. A key component of Albalux FM is the LaserLight technology from SLD Laser. Based on GaN semi-polar blue laser diodes, LaserLight generates brilliant white light that is more than 10 times higher in luminance than today’s LEDs. Optical fibers are incorporated that enables >150 lumen CW output with sharp narrow edges.

IR optics

Edmund Optics teams with II-VI Incorporated to provide zinc selenide (ZnSe) optical components. Plano-convex (PCX) lenses offer <0.0005 cm-1 bulk absorption at 10.6 µm, irregularity of λ/20 at 10.6 µm and surface roughness of <50 Å. Aspheric lenses feature diffraction-limited performance for minimum focused spot sizes. CO2 beam expanders collimate and improve the energy distribution of high power CO2 laser beams at 10.6 µm. Lens stress analyzers utilize cross polarization to identify mechanical stress, thermal stress, and contamination.

Mount flippers

MMF series optical mount flippers provide a solution for setups in which components must be selectively removed and accurately replaced in the beam path, avoiding re-alignment while ensuring repeatability (5 arcsec). MMF mount flippers are hinged platforms supplied with an array of ¼ ×20 and 8-32 (or M6 and M4) tapped holes. They fit various Siskiyou optical mounts and motion stages, and simply pivot by 90° to move the mounted component either in or out of the beam path.

UV ps laser

The IceFyre 355-30 laser offers TimeShift ps programmable pulse flexibility, pulse-on-demand and position synchronized output (PSO) triggering. It delivers >30 W average power and up to >60 µJ pulse energy typical at 355 nm with adjustable repetition rates from single shot up to 3 MHz. It is ideal for cold micromachining in high throughput manufacturing of 5G flexible printed circuits (FPC), flat panel OLED displays, solar cells, ceramics, plastics, and other materials and devices.