The amazing progress of high-power ultrafast thin-disk lasers

Ultrafast lasers continue to be at the forefront of many scientific breakthroughs and technological achievements and progress in the performance of these systems continues to open doors in many new and exciting interdisciplinary fields of research. In the last decades, the average power of ultrafast lasers has seen exponential increase, opening up exciting new perspectives. Among the different technologies that have shaped these advances, thin-disk lasers have generated particularly spectacular breakthroughs, nowadays exceeding the kilowatt average power with pulse energy levels of hundreds of millijoules. In their work, the authors review the latest state-of-the-art of the technology and highlight new application fields of these cutting-edge laser systems.

C.J. Saraceno et al., Congrès SFO Toulouse 2018 (to be published in JEOS:RP, 2019)

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